Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the door to the other sacraments. Baptism washes away sin. We are reborn as children of God and become members of the Church.
Parents, congratulations! Your child is about to be baptized and will soon be part of the Catholic Community. This is a very important first step for anyone entering into the faith, even at so young an age. It is also very important for you, as you will be the primary source of guidance in the Catholic faith.
What to do first
Call the Parish Office to schedule a baptism. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, and Saturdays from 9:00 am to Noon.
Please give the office staff both parent’s names, the child’s name, and the date you wish to have the baptism.
Baptisms at St. Bede Church are usually held on the first and third Sundays of the month at 1:30 pm, or at the discretion of the priest.
After you have given the information to the office staff, a priest will contact you. At that time he will ask for:
The child’s name
Date of birth
The mother’s maiden name
Names of the sponsors (traditionally called God parents)
Preparing for the Baptism
If this is your first child that is being baptized, parents at St. Bede the Venerable Church must attend a MANDATORY Pre-Jordan Class, which is usually held on the second Sunday of the month. Our Pre-Jordan class will give parents instruction on the meaning of Baptism and its obligations.
You must pre-register for this class by contacting our Religious Education Office at 215-357-2130.
Pre-Jordan classes are usually held on the second Sunday of each month, at Noon.
Both parents are expected to attend the class.
The class starts at 12 noon in the Drexel Center and is approximately one hour.
Picking Sponsors (God parents)
Sponsors will be instrumental throughout your child’s life, helping you to direct them in the Catholic faith. In order to be eligible to perform the duties of a Sponsor, they must be:
A member of the Catholic Faith who is baptized, has received First Communion, and has been confirmed.
A member of a Catholic Parish. They must contact that parish and receive a Certificate of Eligibility, which shows that they are a member of that parish in good standing.
Proof of sacraments is not enough to be a sponsor – a certificate from a parish is required.
The certificate must be brought to St. Bede Parish before the Baptism ceremony, usually to the parish office at least two weeks beforehand.
If the certificate cannot be brought until the day of the baptism, the sponsor should either email or fax a copy to the parish, but BRING THE ORIGINAL FOR THE BAPTISM.
Two sponsors (a Godmother and a Godfather) is traditional, but only one sponsor is required.
If you would like one of your sponsors to be a christian non-Catholic, that is allowed as long as ONE of your sponsors is Catholic. The other sponsor would be called a “Christian Witness.”
A Christian Witness can be a member of another denomination, but cannot be a former Catholic.