
St. Bede has a number of committees that could always use more volunteers. Our committees are committed to enhancing the spiritual, ritual and social life of our Parish community.

Through consultation and collaboration the Pastoral Council is a vehicle by which we enhance the quality of our parish life and community, furthering the mission of our Church.

The Parish Council assists the Pastor as follows:

  • Recommends plans of action, direction for the parish to the pastor.
  • Listens to, and represents our fellow parishioners.
  • Meets about five times per year.
  • Considers and discusses topics suggested and brought to Council by the Pastor, Council Members, and Parishioners.
  • Assesses Parish needs.
  • Prayerful, collaborative, advisory capacity only.

If parishioners have suggestions they can contact the Pastoral Council members of the pastor in person, or through the Pastoral Council’s special email address:

[email protected]

Members of the St. Bede Pastoral Council: 

Amy Drobile, Andrew Terzella, Donna Branderbit, John Gaul, Kris Ingle,
Len Doughty, Estella Lynch, Ed Bagdon,
Barbara McKeever, Chris Witzigmank, Joe Rankel.

Financial accounting

The Finance Committee is a group of parishioners chosen by the pastor to function in an advisory capacity regarding the fiscal matters of the parish. The pastor is the presiding officer of the committee.

The committee duties include the approval of the annual budget, development of financial projections, determination of school tuition, advice in matters of employee salaries, parish projects, and the cost of various parish functions.

Parish Safety
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The Parish Safety Committee is committed to maintaining a safe environment in the church, rectory, surrounding buildings and the outside campus.

If you are interested in joining and participating in the Committee, please contact Fr. Ryan Nguyen by email at [email protected] or at the Parish Office (215-357-5720)

Old and young holding hands on light background, closeup

The goal of the Respect Life Committee is to promote a Christ-like respect for all phases of life, from conception to natural death, through prayers and service. Our service projects benefit the unborn and their moms, mothers and their babies, those who have lost babies, the sick, elderly, poor and homeless.

Our projects include the “One Can At A Time” weekly food collection, March for Life in Washington D.C. each January, Mother’s Day and Respect Life Sunday rose sales to benefit the Bucks County Pro-Life organization, annual Manna food drive, turkey drive at Thanksgiving, monthly prayer vigil for the unborn, as well as the “40 Days for Life” vigils and the “Stand Up For Life” dinner every November.

Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month from September through June in the Drexel Center.

For more information, contact Sharon Weidner at 215-598-8584.


People drinking coffee high angle view

The Hospitality team hosts the friendly “Sunday Coffees,” complete with delicious doughnuts, cookies, tea and coffee, juice for the children and huge helpings of warm, friendly conversation.

We also provide the Hospitality for special events in the parish. In the future, we hope to sponsor a semi-annual social for all of the new parishioners. We enjoy helping the people of St. Bede parish family meet each other and grow closer together. Everyone is welcome to join our team!

For more information, contact Nancy Carberry at 215-322-9951.






Padre Pio Festival

The Padre Pio Festival is a weekend gathering — which celebrates devotion to St. Pio of Pietrelcina, a 20th-century Capuchin priest from southwest Italy known for his holiness and miraculous intercession — featuring an array of activities for soul and body. Masses, confession, Eucharistic adoration, a healing service, spiritual talks and relic venerations were rounded out by live entertainment, games, raffles, kids’ activities, vendors and plenty of Italian desserts.