Liturgical Ministries

Liturgy Committee

The Parish Liturgy Committee works to enhance the liturgical life of the community by prayerfully preparing Sunday, seasonal, and special liturgies, coordinating the various liturgical ministries (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Music Ministry, etc.), and developing means to evoke the “full, conscious, active participation” of all the faithful in our most profound call…the thanksgiving and worship of God in the mystery of the Eucharistic Liturgy.
The committee meets monthly from September through May and then periodically through the summer.
For further information, contact Monsignor John C. Marine or our Liturgy Secretary at [email protected] 



Altar Servers is an organization of boys and girls from 6th to 12th grade. They assist at the altar by serving at Mass and other devotions. Sign-ups and practices are normally held each year in the Spring. There is an Altar Server Committee made up of parents who make up the schedules, coordinate any changes, and take care of the maintenance of the garments. Anyone interested or having any questions may contact Fr. Ryan Nguyen (Altar Server Moderator)  at 215-357-5720.

Altar Server welcome letter

Unsure of your team? email  Mrs. Estella Lynch



Men and Women of the Parish are needed to serve as ushers during Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses.

The Greeters Ministry consists of volunteers who are available at all the entrances to the Church before and after Mass and other special events.  They provide a warm welcome to all who are entering our beautiful church.  After Mass, the Greeters provide a friendly smile as they distribute the Bulletins to everyone exiting the Church.

Call the Usher-Greeter Coordinator Bob Pearson at 215-435-1962 or ask one of the Ushers or Greeters after Mass if you are interested.



When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and the Lector is the one who proclaims the readings (except for the Gospel) to the faithful.

Those in the Lector ministry don’t simply read or narrate; they proclaim the Word of God!

Lectors are assigned on Saturdays, Sundays, Holy Days, and other special liturgies throughout the Church year.  In the absence of a deacon, the Lector also announces the petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful.  At Masses without music, the Lector leads the Entrance Antiphon and Communion Antiphon.

Eucharistic Ministers

The Extraordinary Ministers are selected by the priests to assist in distribution of Holy Communion at all the Masses.  Additionally,  the ministers assist our outreach program by bringing  Holy Communion to homebound parishioners and residents of Holland Village retirement/nursing home who are unable to attend Mass due to illness, injury or disability.
 If interested in becoming a minister please contact the rectory at 215-357-5720.